With different genres being experimented by the filmmakers in the Gujarati film industry, a new film Vickida No Varghodo is set to join the bandwagon. The film stars the happy go lucky ‘Malhar Thakar’ in the leading role who is known for his great comic timing and acting skills. The film is produced by Sharad Patel who has also produced superhit Gujarati film “Chhello Divas” Bollywood superhits like “The Tashkent Files” in 2019 and “Buddha in a Traffic Jam” in 2016. For more information visit: https://www.spcinecorp.com/duo-reunites-for-gujarati-film-vickida-no-varghodo/
After months of pre-production and production involving shooting and the recording comes the most important part of filmmaking: Post-production. Post-production involves various activities which are critical in film making; failure to do so would render months of efforts worthless. Post-production involves different processes. We shall briefly discuss these below: https://www.spcinecorp.com/birds-eye-view-post-production-process-movie-making/
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