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The Blurring Lines Between Commercial And Art Cinema

  As the Indian theatres are entering into a new world the existing difference between commercial and art cinema seems to be blurring out. Movies with big stars and movies with newbies are all the same depending upon the content of the movie and how the audience responds to it. For more information visit:
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Films Are Ready But Theatres Aren’t

  We are aware of what covid-19 did to the entire world and the theatres. While everything is getting back to normalcy slowly, theatres are still closed. There’s not an iota of doubt that people will return to theatres. After all, we as audiences, have been wired to relish cinema in a dark auditorium that brightens up our moments. For more information visit:

Will The Indian Audience Embrace The Pay-per-view Model

What India needs perhaps is a hybrid distribution model such as the pay-per-view plus theatrical release. At the average single ticket price for a multiplex, a pay-per-view allows families to watch premieres at home. This guarantees assured fees for producers that are paid by the platform upfront. However, the striking question is: Will the Indian audience embrace the pay-per-view model? For more information visit:  

Virtual Production and the Future of Filmmaking

Virtual production or v-prod is a new technology that promises to change the way we conceive and create films. It uses digital technology to help filmmakers with pre-production.In the current context, virtual production seems to have many advantages that can help both filmmakers and the audience. Let's explore:  

How Will Filmmakers Be Impacted With FCAT Being Abolished

  Recently, the central government announced its decision to abolish the Film Certification Appellate Tribunal (FCAT). This abolition has raised much discussion and debate over its impact on the industry. Let’s look at the pros and cons of FCAT and how this will affect the industry:

Regional Cinema Eyes The Big Prize With Parallel Multi-lingual Releases

Filmmakers would create a film in one regional language and dub it in multiple languages including Hindi, or remake it in a regional language, a couple of years down the line. But now the megastars of regional cinema, particularly the South are scaling up their production cost and shooting in several languages parallelly, often with multiple co-stars. Let's take a closer look at how regional cinema eyes the big prize with parallel multi-lingual releases:  

Influence And Importance Of Cinema On Lifestyle

Cinema is one of the most powerful vehicles for culture, education, propaganda, and lifestyle. The visual stimulation, sound effects, and storytelling combined can evoke a range of emotions that we may otherwise never experience in a span of three hours. Let's analyze the influence and importance of cinema on lifestyle: